Smelly Vagina - 3 Easy Steps To Get Rid Of Bacterial Vaginosis And Regain Confidence

A smelly vagina is an embarassing problem to 1 of every 3 women the world. That is how common the problem is. The medical term for this problem is Bacterial Vaginosis or just BV. If you are suffering from this vaginal odor you know exactly how low it make you feel. You are depressed and ashamed of your own body. You really want to get rid of the bad smell so that you can continue living your life.

The bad smell is caused by the oversupply of harmful bacteria in your vagina. There are actually both good and bad bacteria in your private area. Once your good bacteria becomes weak the bad bacteria will multiply fast. The bad bacteria will become a vaginal discharge which is smelly.                  

You are now missing on many fun appointments because of this smell. You unwillingly say no to all your friends when they invite you for dance parties and cinemas. Never have you felt so humilated because of the condition you are in. You want to get rid of the smell so fast inorder to return to being the confident woman you once was.

A common treatment for this condition is the use of a course of antibiotics. This treatment will cure your problem but only for a while. The BV can happen again and you have to take higher doses of antibiotics to get rid of the harmful bacteria in your vagina. Too much antibiotics is not good. Some women complaint of dizziness and vomiting if they take the antibiotcs. For some they become immune to the antibiotics. The cure in treatment at best is only temporary and a permanent cure should be sought.

You may want to consider a natural treatment for your smelly vagina. Let me share with you 3 easy steps to get rid of your BV. The logic behind this natural treatment is to keep your vagina clean.

Step 1. Wear cotton panties as this  allow your private area to breath.

Step 2. Wash your vagina using mild soap and only once a day.

Step 3. Insert a clove of garlic into your vagina and this will kill all the harmful bacteria.

Use this 3 easy steps and they will work almost immediately to kill the bad bacteria that are inside your vagina. Once the bad bacteria are gone so will the smell. You can now be more confident once you get rid of the smell. You can continue living a normal and healthy life.

If you are tired of feeling self conscious and if you shy away from others because of your bad vaginal odor learn more about what you can do to fix the problem, from this informative site  Click Here Now!

You don’t have to be self conscious of your vaginal smell anymore. If it’s interfering in your life and making it difficult for you to feel comfortable in intimate situations, there is help! You can rid yourself of unpleasant vaginal smell today. Just Click Here.